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About me

I'm Lesley, a freelance travel & leisure journalist. Until recently I was based in stunning South Africa,  but after a major rethink about the future prompted by the Covid lockdown, I've reinvented myself as an English teacher for adults and moved to Santiago in Chile! I'm absolutely loving it, so you can expect some Chilean travel articles soon!
Here you'll also find some of my quirky, warped and opinionated ideas on life, love, cheesecake and everything else crucial for survival. If you want to follow me on Twitter or Instagram I'm on @lesley_stones
Have fun, and travel safely.

Cine Shorts

Fly Me To The Moon: A fun look at the 'behind the scenes' build up in the 1960s space race to the moon. Scarlett Johansson is fabulous as the PR expert brought in to 'sell' the project to a jaded public. Funny, sentimental, the predicatble love interest. It's not rocket science, but it's an experiment that mostly works.  ***

Past Lives: A wonderful small and intimate story of what-ifs and would could have beens, when childhood sweethearts are separated. Director Celine Song has crafted a masterpiece.  *****

Perfect Days: An incredibly low-key movie where the skill of actor Koji Yakusho completely sucks you into his very mundane world. His emotions and sheer loveliness carry it. It's a fascinating insight to a slice of life in Japan. ***

Mothers' Instinct (Instinto Materno) - a decently crafted psychological semi-thriller about two families shattered by a tragic accident. A few red herrings and a couple of bits that don't stand up to scrutiny, but taut and entertaining. ***